
- What is Lictionary?

Lictionary is the biggest localization catalog. Lictionary contains thousands of strings and their translations for over 30 languages.

- How it works?

You can search strings easily using simple search in Lictionary home page. Write the string -or a part of string-, choose your language and click search. That's it!

If you want more accurate result list, you can use advanced search page.

- Can i see context of translation?

Unfortunately, you can't see source code which contains string directly. But you can show the details of translation files containing the translation and the details of projects involving these files.

To show sources of a translation, click 'Show Sources' link in the row of translation.

- Who create content for Lictionary?

Lictionary takes its power from free softwares. Its content consists of localization files of free softwares.

- Some translations seems wrong, what can i do?

You can give negative vote for this translation. We inform translators or translation teams periodically about negative voted translations. If you want to inform translator immediately, you can contact the translator or translation team directly or may be file a bug in bug tracker of related project.

- Is there any other way except webpage to use Lictionary?

Unfortunately, no. You can only use our website to search in our database. We are developing web service interfaces for developers. Soon, we will publish technical details and documentation about these.

- How can i contribute to Lictionary?

You can check our contribution page for details.